Got Personal Injury Questions?

If you or your loved one have been injured, you probably have a lot of questions.

We have the answers you are looking for and would be happy to help you through this hard time.
Common Questions:

1Why should I pick your law firm to represent me?

We are experienced at getting top compensation faster than other leading firms. Our goal is to deal with your file as quickly as possible and we will be aggressive in pursuing your best interests at all times.

2How much time to I have to decide if I should pursue legal action once I have been injured?

There are time limits on personal injury damage claims as well as time-lines for pursuing claims against municipalities. If you do not pursuse your rights within the legal time-lines, you will lose your right to pursue the negligent party. Therefore, it is important to call us very early in the process so we ensure your rights are protected.

3What do I need to do if I am involved in a car accident?

It is always a good idea to write down the plate numbers, makes of the car and contact information of all the drivers involved, including their full names. Try to obtain a copy of the police report or self-reporting collision statement. See your doctor or attend at the nearest hospital or walk-in clinic right away to get examined. Call us for legal advice!

4Is there any financial compensation available to me, if I was not employed date of the car accident?

Yes. The Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule(S.A.B.S) provides for a range of benefits designed to assist an injury person in their time of need. Such benefits include, monies for assistance with providing care to children under the age of 16 or other persons in need of care, medical and rehabilitation benefits, as well as Non-earner Benefits.

5Am I still entitled to accident benefits, if I was at fault?

Yes. The principle of this legislation is to provide victims of car accidents the essential support that they require to recover from their injuries and reintegrate themselves back to their pre-accident activities of daily living, regardless of whose fault the accident was.

6My insurance company has recommended a physiotherapist for my injuries. Do I have to use them or can I choose my own?

You can choose your own. We also can recommend clinics around the city as well.

7Will my auto rates increase?

Ontario insurance companies provide coverage for medications, rehab, loss of income. Regardless of who is at fault. These benefits don’t affect your auto insurance rates. Rates will only increase on your driving record, type of vehicle and number of At fault accidents you may have had.

8How much time to I have to decide if I should pursue legal action once I have been injured?

There are time limits on personal injury damage claims as well as time-lines for pursuing claims against municipalities. If you do not pursuse your rights within the legal time-lines, you will lose your right to pursue the negligent party. Therefore, it is important to call us very early in the process so we ensure your rights are protected.

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